Celebrating Milestones


Wednesday Morning Musings...

This truly is a memory to celebrate and share again.

Once I gave birth to my daughter in 2002, something clicked in my system on deeply profound levels. There were imbalances modern meds and therapies just would not (and could not) touch. That's what drew me in to energy work to begin with. That was in 2005. I started out perceiving energy work with a total skeptic's mind: a point of view that invited me in because I was just so damn curious, and one that simultaneously challenged every bit of my mind. Once I began to experience it, the mind changed quickly, and so did everything else around me (I'll share that story another day).

It was in 2008 when I recognized I could re-program my own system so that seasonal allergies would be a thing of the past. Even after having some profound shifts from energy work up to that point, the skeptic's mind said, "Yeah, right. Prove it."

Mid-August was about when the flare-up every year would start. It would continue until the first frost about mid-October. This was (and still is) my favorite time of year, but between the intense symptoms and the never-ending cocktail dance of OTC allergy meds (alongside the devastating side-effects), my system was haywire. I was coming to unimaginable breaking points.

Beginning in August 2008 I worked with specific Energy Medicine protocols put together by the brilliant Donna Eden. For one entire allergy season, I implemented a daily set of techniques designed around calming my entire system. It took a few minutes each day in addition to the Daily Energy Routine. A deep piece of this work was to invite my body to remember how to release the triggers it thought was so threatening. It was a simple protocol and soon became an automatic part of my daily self-care.

Fast-forward to August 2009. I waited for the familiar allergy symptoms to start, but they never did. There were a few small "blips" when other stressors hit my system. While interesting to note and observe, I felt empowered to go back into the protocol and spend a few minutes. The allergy symptoms backed down immediately.

I see this post this morning from ten years ago and am reminded of the power and the magic. Ten years later, still no more allergies. No more pills. No more misery. No more side-effects from the drugs. The coolest thing is (aside from having my life and health back this time of the year), this is just ONE focus point of my personal journey with energy work that has brought relief and success.

Am I still a skeptic? Yes. I am proud to be a healthy skeptic. This is the edge where I learn the most, grow the most, and then teach from. There is still a lot of work to do, but it feels now that I'm working on the icing and decor on this divine celebratory Cake of Life!

I want to share this work with those who are ready. Please let me share this with whoever needs it / wants it / is curious / is skeptical / has tried everything else and nothing's worked / is at their own delicate breaking points.

Not all of our answers come from modern meds and endless scripts.

Not all of us are comfortable giving our power away to someone else regarding our mental, medical, and soul care.

Not all of us are meant to fit within the box of society and what's traditionally been expected of us.

I personally check the boxes for these statements above. I tried to fit neatly into these paradigms at great costs and openly welcome those who can also identify with these statements. It takes work. And while I cannot do your work for you, I am happy to help lend a hand on the journey. It's SO worth it when you figure out you can do the work yourself AND then bask in the experience of the benefits.

With love and so many blessings to all of us on the path of discovering and bringing back our own power.