The power of trees...

French Creek Morning.jpg

This particular image is one of my favorite... the tree I am resting upon in this photo is one that is very special. This tree and and I have done a lot of great work together, and I have been gifted great wisdom from spending time under its branches during many seasons, moon cycles, and times of day.

This article below highlights some wonderful benefits of working with trees. Take some slow time with the article. I then invite you to find a tree to connect with. Bring a soft mat to sit upon and leave your technology in your vehicle or at home. Go quiet... Open yourself... Allow your energies to root into the ground and invite the wisdom to pour through you both.

If you are interested in learning more about connecting in with Earth energies and Earth Medicine, stay tuned... there will be some very special events coming up for you to deepen your experience.

Follow this link for the article.