New Stories... and seeking wisdom
/Friends, I am sinking into new stories this year and am looking for some ideas and your wisdom...
I need creative outlets and writing is at the top of my list, next to photography, watercolors, gardening, and moving my body.
For my fellow writers out there, how do you feel about Substack? I started sharing some writing back on Blogger back in 2010, then moved pieces to my website. I am now looking for another solid way to share in a user-friendly format - both for myself and for those who are curious to tap in. Any other platforms out there nowadays you recommend? Also, what has drawn you to what I have shared through writing? I'm curious and open to where the energies move us.
Thank you from the top of my head to the bottom of my tippy toes for those of you who have have joined me on the creative path through the years. The Energy Experience is one part of this. I have met many of you through energy and consciousness work through the last two decades. What an incredible blessing!
Life truly is energy: how it comes together, how it is expressed, how we heal, grow, connect, worship, transition... this all is a deeply creative act. This takes a village too, and I have to say the village and circles I am blessed to be a part of are magnificent. Let's create more, shall we? Let's make this year truly one to remember in all the right ways
*Photo taken by David last spring while we were engaged in sacred community work in Glastonbury, England. In this particular moment, David, our friend Brad, and I were practically getting blown off of the Tor by the gale force winds. The ancient tower held us a bit more intact before venturing back out. What a day to be alive and creative!
Until next time I offer these words of wisdom for better or for worse. Please take them with a grain of salt for we each live our own individual truths. Our mission while we are here is to understand, accept, and celebrate that one very simple, but incredibly significant fact. For all this, I am grateful.