At the beginning of each day, I light my candle with prayers, questions, hopes, and dreams. At a very early hour this morning, I was connecting with one of my closest friends and allies as I lit my candle.
My heart is clear today. Please realize the majority of us in the U.S. are not in favor of policies that are already being brought to the table. The showmanship, the rhetoric, and the ridiculous nature plastered over yesterday's circus will pass. This is not Christ-like. We all understand this, right? Pitting one another against "the other" is not what Christ would have condoned. If you believe that, please sit quietly with that for as long as it takes.
What will remain is the truth. What will remain is our love. What will remain is our steadfast nature to look out for each other. Politics will not define us, nor will it save us either. To put our faith and focus solely on politics is dangerous ground, as it is ever-shifting like quicksand.
Breathe. Remain grounded. Remain in your center. Remain in your truth. Remain in your love. Remain in your resilience. Remain in your creative potential. Breathe.
For those of you who are feeling fear and despair, I see you. We got this. We've got you. I just shared this on another dear friend's post as they wrestle with what the future looks like. This is for everyone this morning:
Your fear is absolutely real and we hold you where you are so that you know we see you (I see you). What do we do? We do our best. We put our hearts forward. We stay awake and stay informed. We hold fast and remain resilient. We stay connected because isolation is not an option. We continue to understand this is the breakdown of huge systems that have been dysfunctional for a very long time. And, we will make it past this phase of breakdown so that we can begin to create again. We wake up and do it again tomorrow. We remember to breathe. We hold love at the center. I love you.
The Question
by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
for Jude Jordan Kalush, who asked me the question
All day, I replay these words:
Is this the path of love?
I think of them as I rise, as
I wake my children, as I wash dishes,
as I drive too close behind the slow
blue Subaru, Is this the path of love?
Think of these words as I stand in line
at the grocery store,
think of them as I sit on the couch
with my daughter. Amazing how
quickly six words become compass,
the new lens through which to see myself
in the world. I notice what the question is not.
Not, “Is this right?” Not,
“Is this wrong?” It just longs to know
how the action of existence
links us to the path to love.
And is it this? Is it this? All day,
I let myself be led by the question.
All day I let myself not be too certain
of the answer. Is it this?
Is this the path of love? I ask
as I wait for the next word to come.
Published in The Path to Kindness: Poems of Connection & Joy, edited by James Crews (Storey Publishing, 2022)